Account (ES) – PGC

Spanish Accounting Standard – PGC

Scipio ERP Accounting ES PGC


This addon component adds the spanish PGC accounting standard to the system. It is a requirement under the spanish commercial law for companies located in spain to rely on the GCP as a general accounting plan.

This addon makes all the necessary changes to use Scipio ERP for a spanish company. It provides example data, tax rules & customizable accounting entry mappings.

What’s included

  • Chart of Accounts (PGC)
  • Seed & Demo Data for a spanish company
  • Tax authorization (ICAC) configuration & tax rules
  • Customizable account entry mappings for all transactions


Addon installation

Scipio ERP provides a simple bash script to manage all addons. Detailed installation instructions are available on the Scipio ERP website. For help, simply type on the console:

./git-addons help