

Scipio ERP structures its component inside of 5 major directories:

  1. Framework (Components containing framework related sources, generic screens and configuratins)
  2. Applications (First-Level Applications; ideally isolated on their own)
  3. Themes (Theme Components)
  4. Hot-Deploy (Your own application space)
  5. Special-Purpose (Second-Level applications; Demo cases; untested or unfinished applications)

Besides a general configuration, we recommend to focus only on the hot-deploy & theme components for your own customization efforts. Because of inheritance, there shouldn’t be a need to directly modify the other applications and this will guerantee compatibility with future releases of the Scipio ERP framework.


Components are essentially web-applications that have been modified to fit the Scipio ERP architecture.A blank component can be generated by running the following ant command, which will also generate the recommended component structure:

ant create-component

A component.xml instructs Scipio ERP to run  the new application on runtime:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ofbiz-component name="myComponent"

<!-- Resource-Loader -->
<resource-loader name="main" type="component"/>

<!-- Config files -->
<classpath type="dir" location="config"/>

<!-- Runtime Libraries -->
<classpath type="jar" location="build/lib/*"/>

<!-- Entity definitions -->
<entity-resource type="model" reader-name="main" loader="main" location="entitydef/entitymodel.xml"/>

<!--Entity Events-->
<entity-resource type="eca" reader-name="main" loader="main" location="entitydef/eecas.xml"/>

<!-- Service definitions -->
<service-resource type="model" loader="main" location="servicedef/services.xml"/>

<!-- Service event definitions -->
<service-resource type="eca" loader="main" location="servicedef/secas.xml"/>

<!-- Mount instruction for the web-application and base permission configuration -->
<webapp name="myWebapp"
title="My own Webapp"

Once registered, the web-application has access to the other applications and services. By extending the application, the component can inherit from other components and reuse or even extend on their respective services & entity definitions. The nice thing is that this practically merges all applications together, while still remaining modular at its core.

Web application deployment

Since Scipio ERP is essentially a Tomcat servlet container, you can also run any web-applcation along your other components:

  1. Unzip your War file locally.
  2. Create a new folder in the hot-deploy directory by whatever name you want your new application to run under (Tip: use the ./ant create-component command to generate a component skeleton in the hot-deploy folder of your Scipio ERP installation).
  3. Copy every folder within the war file to this webapp folder (there should be a web-inf directory under hot-deploy/yourapp/webapp/ now
  4. Restart Scipio ERP and give it all a go…